Download the PowerPoint Presentation of this module, last updated: October 2017
Supplemental Presentations, Videos and More
Managing Procedural Anxiety in Pediatrics Video and Article: Krauss BS, Krauss BA, Green SA. Managing Procedural Anxiety in Pediatrics. N Engl J Med 2016; 37:e19. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMvcm1411127. When children need medical care, the situation can be stressful for both the parent and the child. Pain, fear, and unfamiliar surroundings can lead to a high level of anxiety, which may make accurate assessment and treatment challenging….
Patient Education Handout
The pediatric and adult PSA patient education resource is formatted at an eighth grade reading level to meet The Joint Commission health literacy recommendations. You are free to adapt for your practice or institution.
Pediatric Procedural Sedation Recommendations for Providers
Performing safe and effective procedural sedation in children requires the same foundational elements as other age groups – skilled personnel, an equipped setting and a structure to manage patients across the sedation continuum. However, children have unique developmental and physiologic vulnerabilities that require special consideration when planning and performing sedation.
Risk Factors for Adverse Events in Emergency Department Procedural Sedation for Children
Procedural sedation for children undergoing painful procedures is standard practice in emergency departments worldwide. Previous studies of emergency department sedation are limited by their single-center design and are underpowered to identify risk factors for serious adverse events (SAEs), thereby limiting their influence on sedation practice and patient outcomes.
ASA Classification System
American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) Clinical Policy
Resuscitation Equipment
Apps & Podcasts
Intranasal Medication and You: Intranasal medications, if understood and employed properly, are a great choice to avoid an IV or as a bridge until IV access is obtained. Learn the strengths and limits of intranasal fentanyl, midazolam, ketamine, and dexmedetomidine.
Procedural Sedation Courses
University of North Carolina School of Medicine Pediatric Procedural Sedation Course The UNC School of Medicine training modules were adapted with permission from Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center. They are part of the entire course which also includes lab simulations, PALS certification, and TeamSTEPPS training.
Swedish Medical Center, Pediatric Procedural Sedation Course The Pediatric Procedural Sedation module will focus on the care of children (newborns through adolescence) undergoing moderate sedation. Release Date: January 2, 2014; End Date: December 31, 2016. Cost: $35
Society for Pediatric Sedation, Online Continuing Medical Education for Nurses The Society for Pediatric Sedation® has partnered with the Virginia Nurses Association to provide online CE for nurses. Online educational modules for CE credit are available only to SPS members. If you would like to view the content and receive credit, and you are not a member of the SPS, please click here to become a member.