Presentation slide decks for all modules are available as a PDF.
Module Information
Our most popular PAMI® pain management learning modules are listed below. After 3/31/2021, courses are no longer available for CME/CEU. You can still freely access and download all materials and references. Please note that module information is no longer being updated and information may be outdated. The date each module was last updated is noted on each page.
- Basics of Pain Assessment and Management
- Review general interdisciplinary information on pain recognition, assessment, diagnosis and treatment with a focus on ED, hospital and acute care settings. Pain terminology, classification, history-taking, physical diagnosis and treatment considerations are included along with case scenarios.
- Managing Pediatric Pain in Acute Care Settings
- Review methods of recognizing and assessing pediatric pain. Review a developmental and behavioral approach to assessing and treating pain in children of all ages. Describe nonpharmacologic and pharmacologic options for pediatric pain management. Determine a stepwise approach to pediatric procedural sedation and analgesia. Understand the importance of discharge planning and transition care. Review patient safety aspects of pediatric pain management.
- Nonpharmacologic Management of Pain in Adults and Children
- Discuss the importance of nonpharmacologic pain management and the consequences of inadequately treating pain. Define non-pharmacologic treatments for pain. Become familiar with nonpharmacologic techniques and how they are used as part of a multimodal treatment approach to managing pain in the ED, EMS and other settings. Understand how developmental and cognitive levels may influence the approach to pain management.
Modules No Longer Available for CME/CEU Credits after March 31, 2019:
- Acute Pain Management in the Emergency and Acute Care Settings
- Procedural Sedation and Analgesia (PSA) in Adults and Children
- Pharmacologic Treatment of Pain in the ED
- Pre-hospital and EMS Management of Pain