The Role of Physical Rehabilitation in Chronic Pain Management is presented by Hannah Scholten, PT, DPT, Cert. MDT, clinical supervisor, UF Health Rehabilitation – Wildlight. Hannah discusses the neurophysiology of pain, interdisciplinary treatment options and the role of physical therapy in pain management. She provides a detailed overview of the physical therapy concepts and process for screening and treating patients and when to refer patients for physical rehabilitation. UF Health Rehabilitation – Wildlight:
Presentation Slide Deck:
Role of Physical Rehabilitation_provider presentation
- Differentiate between the role of physical therapy in acute vs chronic pain (passive vs active pain management)
- Identify the relevant biopsychosocial aspects of the chronic pain experience
- Outline the rationale of central sensitization for effective therapeutic patient education
- Prevalence of Chronic Pain and High-Impact Chronic Pain Among Adults
- The Economic Costs of Pain in the United States
- The IASP classification of chronic pain for ICD-11
- Pain terms
- Relieving Pain in America: A Blueprint for Transforming Prevention, Care, Education, and Research.
- Pain Management and the Opioid Epidemic: Balancing Societal and Individual Benefits and Risks of Prescription Opioid Use
- Getting “unstuck”: A multi-site evaluation of the efficacy of an interdisciplinary pain intervention program for chronic low back pain.